
VOLUME c NOVEMBER 2002 Weakness, Thanksgiving

The Evil Time
The Story in the News
anniversary of arrest
video testimony to teens
Meet David Berkowitz
Life Story In His Own Words
Prison Diary Begins
Left Behind, My Testimony Goes to Armenia
Different Topics, A KKK Man Gets Saved
Renouncing Satan, Forgiving Myself
Innis Cosby, Love Letters, Rachel's Tears
March 2001 Earthquakes, Jim is Dead,
June 2001a My Birthday
June 2001b Setting Things in Order, I Will Bless the Lord
June 2001cVOLUME c JUNE 2001 I'm Only An Example, God's Mercy
A Statement of Facts
JANUARY 1, 2004 code orange
January 2, 2004 More Code Orange
Terror Alerts
Fruits of the Spirit
Praying for One Another
January 30, 2004 Sufferings
January 30, 2004 Enduring Physical Woes
January 31, 2004 Sufferings Teach Patience
VOLUME a OCTOBER 2002 Lockdown, Sniper Shootings
VOLUME a NOVEMBER 2002 Three For Jesus, Getting Out
VOLUME b NOVEMBER 2002 Jailhouse Missionaries, Wendell Judd
VOLUME c NOVEMBER 2002 Weakness, Thanksgiving
VOLUME (a) DECEMBER 2002 Son of Suffering, Mack
VOLUME (b) DECEMBER 2002 Andy Tant, The Choice is Yours
david wins lawsuit
The Law Requires Parole Hearings at Certain Pre-Set Dates For All Inmates.
everlasting arms
wasp watching
Danny's Song
have faith
London Terror
Remorse Over Bad Judgement
Judge Alexander's Testimony
The Invisible Kid
April 1, 2005 Red Lake Massacre
Red Lake Aftermath
Jesus at the Door
February 9, 2004 Frank DiMarco
February 12, 2004 Prison Violence
February 14, 2004 A Walk in the Yard
February 16, 2004 Victory Report
February 19, 2004 Jesus Gets the Credit
February 23 2004 Chuck's Son
February 27, 2004 Making Money
February 29, 2004 Gay Marriage
March 17, 2004 Prison Separation Destroys Families
April 1, 2004 A Dear Friend Goes Home
April 4, 2004 Change, Growth
April 8, 2004 Danny's Transfer
April 9, 2004 Focus on the Family
April 17 2004 Praise
April 19 2004 Afflictions
April 21, 2004 Columbine Anniversary
April 22 2004 The Lord Uses Women
April 28, 2004 Medical Trip
April 30, 2004 Joseph
August 28, 2004 Plea To Young People
August 31, 2004 Changing Seasons
August 2005 Family Day
May 2006 a Solid Ground, Always With Me
VOLUME b May 2006 1-800-BADADVICE
VOLUME c MAY 2006 Open Doors, God's Will
VOLUME JUNE 2006 (a) Birthday Move, Painting a New Cell
Blank page
VOLUME JUNE 2006 (c) God's Presence, True Love
VOLUME JUNE 2006 (d) Betrayal, Surprise Good News

Weakness, Thanksgiving, Bridgette and Co. Progress Report

November 24, 2002


Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

2 Corinthians 12:10

Once again the Lord reminded me that my strength must come from Him. In and of myself I have nothing: I am nothing. But In Christ I have the victory.

Today I was my usual "busy" self. We had our morning worship service followed by the afternoon Bible class. Now it's evening and I am wrilting some letters.

In a letter I received form a friend who has a prison ministry, she told me how inadequate she feels for what she is doing, and to do what God has called her to do.

In responding to her letter, the Holy Spirit immediately brought to mind the above verse from Second Corinthians. I then told her that I "jumped for joy" when I read about her sense of complete inadequacy.

She saw this as something bad, but I see it is something that's good. For the fact is, we are "inadequate." And this is nothing to be ashamed of.

Flesh and blood and human effort cannot accomplish anything for God. It is only when we are completely empty of "self", and are totally dependant upon the Lord, that He has us where He wants us (Philippians 2:13).

I told this minister to continue to allow herself to feel very inadequate. I'm convinced that this is the ideal place for a Christian to be at.

When we feel strong, confident and capable, look out! It's just the rotten flesh doing its religious thing. We're bettter off feeling weak and inadequate so that we have no recourse but to cry to the Lord for help each day.

Being "weak" in ourselves is the way to win with God.

David Berkowitz

November 28 2002


Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise...

Psalm 100:4a

My Thanksgiving was uneventful and quiet. I had to work a short while this morning to escort a sight impaired man to the infirmary for his medications. Then I had the rest of today for just me and Jesus.

I was up long before sunrise to go into a deep time of prayer. I wasn't expecting to get up so early. But the Holy Spirit alerted me that it was time to pray.

After breakfast I was able to stay in my cell enjoying a respite from the usual daily routine. I was also able to do some extra Scripture reading.

Most of all, however, I was in the mood to give God a lot of thanks. And this was not because today is the traditional American holiday of Thanksgiving. I was simply in the mood to give the Lord much praise.

At noon we had our meal. It was humbling as we had nothing special, just processed turkey roll. There was mashed potatoes and green peas. A tablespoon of cranberry sauce got doled out to each man who went through the chow line. And then there was a small wedge of pumpkin pie. We were given the usual 15 to 20 minutes to consume this bland meal and then return to our cells.

I spent the afternoon typing letters. During the early evening I was back into the Scriptures, especially reading portions of the beloved book of Revelation in which the saints are seen around God's throne giving Him the glory and honor due His beautiful Name.

In my mind I put myself before this glorious throne. In fact, one day I will truly be there, right in God's presence beholding his lovely face.

My heart yearns for this day.

David Berkowitz


November 29, 2002


The suffering I underwent during the month of October has been more than compensated for. Within the past month the Lord has brought many loving Christians into my life, and He has expanded the outreach of my testimony. Today I had a great visit with Bridgette, an "on fire for the Lord" twenty-four year old. She wrote to me because she is doing a college paper on the subject of forgiveness. She is from South Africa and is currently an exchange student going to school in New York City.

Normally I try to discourage visits except for a very narrow group of close friends. However after prayer the Lord told me that this one will be okay. It was.

We had a good time fellowshipping and talking about the Lord. I was so encouraged in my own faith to find such a fine young lady so sold-out to God.

Bridgette's love for Jesus Christ was so evident, and her face simply glowed as she told me what the Lord means to her and how her life has changed.

It was nice to be around someone who is so energetic, and so filled with joy. I felt as if I were spending time with my own daughter. I am twice her age.

Bridgette's paper is due December 7th. She first heard about my story while she was sitting in her church. The pastor was using me as an example of God's mercy. I was humbled and honored to learn this. For I have no idea who this man is. But I praise God that other Christians are finding my story worthy to be used to encourage others about the grace of God.

I truly am a blessed man. Christ touched me today through this young woman who loves Him with all her heart and mind.

David Berkowitz

November 30, 2002


As this month comes to a close I thank the Lord for all He has done, and for all He will continue to do.

Wonderful things happened in November. On November 3rd I wrote in this Journal about several men who received Jesus as their Savior. One is a Jew, the other was a Muslim. A third man, who is a Gentile, has since transferred after spending about two weeks here.

As for the Jewish man and the one who was a Muslim, the Jewish fellow (I'll call him Horace--not his real name) is growing spiritually. He is reading the Bible and enjoying it. He is asking a lot of questions about the Scriptures and has been bold to discuss his new faith with others.

But as for the man who was a Muslim (I'll call him Abdullah), he has not been back to the chapel since that day he publicly professed faith in Christ. There is a reason for this, however. It is called "persecution".

I know that the members of the mosque he attended were not pleased that he went to church. He is of small stature, only about 5' tall. He's a quiet person who mainly follows the crowd, so to speak. This it is not surprising that, because of words said to him, he has not attended our services since.

We Christians are praying for both these men. God's word never returns back to Him without accomplishing the pupose for which it was sent.

I believe by faith that Abdullah will come around in due time. He may remain a "secret believer" for a long while. We don't push anyone to follow Jesus. But he is going thorugh a struggle. I have seen this happen before with men who were Muslims, but who heard the Gospel and placed their faith in Jesus.

God has His strong hands around both of them.

David Berkowitz 

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