I desire to live out a "good confession" of faith,
always demonstrating
the reality of the changes God has made in my life.
Daily I want to display all the "fruits of the Spirit",
(love, joy,
peace, patience, gentleness, meekness, self-control), as these continue to
develop inside me over my lifetime.
And may each of these fruits, as the Bible calls them,
become sweet
fragrances that exude from my soul to ultimately bless those who live and work
around me.
For example, earlier today two fellow prisoners came
to me at different
times to tell me that I've been a big encouragement to them.
One man said he was thankful that I was his neighbor. He told me that I
have been an inspiration to him and that he sees God in my life.
A second man made his approach while I was walking
by myself in the snowy
recreation yard. He came up to me, gave me a big hug, and then proceeded
thank me for being a friend, and for keeping him in my prayers.
I've only known these men casually, at best, although
they've been with me
in this prison for several years. However I was quick to give God all
thanks and praise. Yet I was touched by their openness and kindness, and
their surprise displays of gratitude.
The Lord has been very good to me.
David Berkowitz
January 15, 2004
(c)2004 David Berkowitz